Currently, volunteers are recognized with a physical sign on the trail after two years of service and an invitation to the annual Communities in Bloom volunteer recognition event. We’re now exploring other ways to show our appreciation.

Here are some ideas:

  • Social media shout-out on our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn channels.
    • Increase visibility with a combined audience of almost 63,000 followers.
    • Volunteers would need to provide a photo or two of their crew in action.
  • Listing on the webpage, which receives close to 1,000 unique visitors per cleanup season (April-July).
  • Certificate or plaque for display.
  • Continue with a physical trail sign after two years of service.

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About the Program

Adopt-A-Trail encourages groups or individuals to commit to four cleanup sessions throughout the summer to improve a section of trail, roadway or greenspace on municipal property. These sections can range from half a kilometer to three kilometers in length.

Learn more at