
*Do not post* July 28 PWB Update

28 July 2023

Validation engagement is now completed for the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP). Learn more about engagement findings from this campaign by reading the What We Heard Report.

Next Steps for the Downtown ARP

Now that the final stage of engagement is complete, the Municipality will make final revisions to the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan before presenting it to Council. The first reading remained on the consent agenda during the July 11, 2023, Council meeting. Second reading, public hearing and third reading are scheduled to take place in September 12, 2023.

How can you take part in the Public Hearing?

The Public Hearing is another chance for you to share your thoughts on the plan by appearing in-person before Council, or through written submission. Public Hearings are required by the Municipal Government Act as a part of the adoption or amendment process for statutory plans including the ARP.

Whether joining in-person to share your thoughts in a five-minute presentation or sending a written submission, you can email indicating how you plan to participate. In-person registration and email submissions are due by Sept. 4 at noon. Here is the information you will need to include in your email:

  • Your full name, organization name (if required), address, telephone number, email address; and
clearly indicate support or opposition to the subject matter.

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About the Downtown ARP

The downtown ARP provides a roadmap for the revitalization of downtown Fort McMurray. It informs future development for things like parks, housing and retail, active transportation and other measures to build downtown as an attractive destination for all residents of Wood Buffalo.

The ARP is a legal plan that sits within a planning hierarchy of provincial and local documents including the Municipal Development Plan and the Land Use Bylaw. There is a current ARP for the downtown (City Center ARP, 2012), which is no longer reflective of the region’s circumstances or needs.

The new downtown ARP aligns with the 2022 – 2025 Council’s Strategic Plan. Supporting downtown visualization to identify and coordinate municipal investment and improvements. By aligning with Council’s strategic plan, the ARP will provide the framework for a revitalized downtown that meets the needs of residents, attracts visitors and investment, and is a point of regional pride.