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The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo pursues the vision of a vibrant, sustainable region we are proud to call home.
Dedicated to developing a public art program that celebrates the region's history, culture and people while enhancing the visual and aesthetic impact of the region, the Municipality has engaged consultant A. Adair & Associates to develop a Regional Public Art Plan. This plan will build upon the existing Municipal Strategic Plan, and other relevant policies and planning documents. The Public Art Plan will create a framework for the Public Art Wood Buffalo program.
The development of the Public Art Plan will involve public engagement and consultation with key stakeholders. The plan will prioritize suitable sites, recommended themes and installations, as well as align with strategic priorities in accordance with adopted policy and guiding documents.
This project is identified in the RMWB Strategic Plan 2018-2021, in support of Arts and Culture:
"...through the Public Art Committee and with engagement of community partners, develop a comprehensive, multi-year public art plan and implementation guide that will define the region’s vision for public art in accordance with previously adopted policy and guiding documents. Utilize the Public art Program to celebrate our region’s history through meaningful public art that celebrates our rich past...”
This plan also aligns with the Wood Buffalo Culture Plans recommendation to develop a Public Art Plan along with identified priorities in the Municipal Development Plan, 2016 Wildfire Recovery Plan, Wood Buffalo Social Sustainability Plan and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action.
The information collected in this survey will support the development of a Regional Public Art Plan that is currently in development and will be presented to Council to serve as a guiding document to support and enhance public art initiatives for the next 5 years.
Expressions of Visual Art Survey
This survey has concluded.