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Help us make voting more accessible

Every four years, municipal voters get an opportunity to elect mayor and councillors, and school board trustees. The last municipal election was on October 18, 2021. We're asking residents to share their experience voting–or help us understand why they didn't vote–to learn how we can make municipal elections in 2025 even better.


Share ideas

How would you like to hear about municipal election news and information?

We want to reach as many potential voters as possible with the information they want. Leave a virtual note to tell us the best ways to get you the information you'd like before casting your ballot in the 2025 municipal election! Add a thumbs up to notes that you like (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

31 May, 2024

Parsons Resident says:

In the mail box

3 May, 2024

Voter says:

Municipal website (I go there first looking for information) Social media Email

3 May, 2024

Nicole says:

Mix 103.7

3 May, 2024

Nicole says:


3 May, 2024

Nicole says:

Fort McMurray Today

3 May, 2024

aarnold says:

Email, mail, radio ads, digital boards around town


You are eligible to vote in the October 20, 2025 election, if ALL the following apply:

  • Have not voted before in this election;
  • At least 18 years of age;
  • A Canadian citizen;
  • Live in Alberta;
  • Reside in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and the ward for which you are casting a ballot on election day; and
  • Produce proper identification for inspection.
To vote, you must complete and sign Form 13 – Elector Register when you attend a voting station to confirm that you meet the qualifications to vote.

Only eligible electors who live in the municipality will be permitted to vote in the 2025 Municipal Election. If you have more than one residence in Alberta, you must designate one place of residence. Section 48 of the Local Authorities Election Act provides more information on determining residency.

Individuals who own property or a business in Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo but are not residents are not permitted to vote.

To vote, you must produce one piece of authorized identification that establishes both your name and current residential address.

Examples of authorized identification include:

  • Alberta Driver’s Licence
  • Alberta Identification Card
  • Income or property tax assessment notice
  • Statement of government benefits (such as employment insurance, old-age security or social assistance)
  • Bank or credit card statement
  • Insurance policy or coverage card
  • Vehicle ownership, registration or insurance certificate
  • Utility bill (such as telephone, hydro, gas, water)
  • Residential lease or mortgage statement

The dates and locations of advance voting will be announced closer to the Election, as will the location of the voting stations on Election Day, October 20, 2025. There will be multiple opportunities for voters to cast their ballots.

Legislative Services will review feedback from this survey and ideas tool before finalizing the approach for Municipal Elections 2025.

The Municipal General Election is held every four years in October—and school board elections usually take place at the same time. Although the Municipality is not required to conduct school board elections, typically, the Municipality enters into a joint election agreement with the Public and Separate (Catholic) school boards which allows the elections to take place together.

For the school board election, as an eligible voter, you will need to confirm if you support the Public or Separate (Catholic) school board before receiving your ballot. When you receive your ballot, it lists the candidates for mayor, the candidates for councillor in the Ward in which you reside, and the candidates for school trustees from the school board that you have selected.

Currently, the Local Authorities Election Act, which governs municipal and school board elections, does not permit online or telephone voting.