In 2022, the Municipal Urban Service Area OHV Strategic Plan was developed. Following public engagement on the plan, a need for two additional staging areas was identified – one on the north side, and the other on the south side of the Fort McMurray area.

Currently, the project team is considering possible locations within the Urban Service Area and areas within approximately 10 km of Fort McMurray that provide strategic access to trails. Location sites will be selected based on public feedback and other key factors.

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, a workshop is planned with key stakeholders, Indigenous community partners, Rights Holders, interested organizations and government groups. Are you interested in participating or sending representation from your organization or group? Email

Two targeted workshops and a public survey were conducted as part of the 2022 Municipal Urban Service Area OHV Strategic Plan development.

When asked for preference on where new staging areas could be located within the Urban Service Area, 1,258 survey responses identified the preference to locate new staging areas in:

  • Parsons Creek North – (32%)
  • Thickwood – (9%)
  • Timberlea – (11%)
  • Beacon Hill – (12%)
  • Gregoire – (8%)

View the full summary of this survey in the OHV Public Survey Results.


Share your thoughts and ideas on possible OHV staging area locations in and around Fort McMurray.

3 June, 2024

Liam Fitzsimmons says:

We don’t need staging areas. We need outlined routes for access to different trails/cutlines/roads. Give us the ability to leave from home.

27 May, 2024

b_lou says:

Away from homes and walking trails that surround the neighbourhoods. Noise; all OHV, referring to dirt bikes, quads and skidoos year round!