
March 2021: Public Engagement

27 August 2021

The RMWB’s Waterfront Park Revitalization Project will be designed as a year-round interactive facility for residents and visitors alike. As a destination for cultural and heritage recognition, the Waterfront Park will also serve as an access point for recreational opportunities and connecting to nature in the heart of our region.

The overall project will include design and construction of the year-round Snye Point Outdoor Event Space, as well as designing Waterfront Park which will cover the 6 km of waterfront from the Athabasca Bridge to Horse Pasture Park in Waterways.

Currently we are focusing on the Snye Point Outdoor Event Space. Residents are encouraged to provide feedback on two concept designs that have been developed.

Check out the concepts and sketches here, and let us know what you think!

The Snye Point Outdoor Event Space public engagement has concluded. We thank residents, Indigenous partners, and stakeholders for their instrumental perspective on this community project. A final design will be shared publicly in the coming weeks.