
June 17 Virtual Open House Questions

24 June 2021

Several questions were not answered during the Waterfront Park virtual open house on June 17, 2021.To view questions and respected answers please look below.

Question 1.

Regarding the development of the lands between the flood protection measures and the river bank. Have the lessons regarding ice flow damage been applied to these designs being forwarded to the community? Specifically the types of damages sustained by Snye Park during the 2020 flooding and 2018 river breakup events. The concept of paying for infrastructure destined to be destroyed by future river breakup events, does not seem to be in the best interests of taxpayers.

Answer 1.

The park materials proposed in the floodplain are generally very simple and are being designed to work with flooding and ice damage, based on observations from previous events and operational knowledge. There will be simple benches, waste bins, asphalt paths and lighting, to support usability and safety of the park space. Of note, specifically in Snye Point Outdoor Event Space, there will be a play structure and restroom similar to Raphael Cree Boat Launch. While there is undoubted potential for ice damage, the designers and engineers have proposed strategic placements and materials to reduce any risk of damage, and specifically avoided costly infrastructure, art, or shade shelters that can be easily damaged and difficult or costly to repair.

Question 2.

Has the concept of including removable park infrastructure been considered? Examples which come to mind; frisbee golf targets, Securable picnic tables, slacklines. The removable nature of these could allow for a winter teardown protecting the investment from river breakup events.

Answer 2.

This is a great idea to increase active use in the park and something that the Parks department could facilitate once the park is built. The design team will work with the Parks department to understand what removable active uses could be planned for in the future and how they can be securely installed. The proposed docks will be seasonally removed outside of the floodplain but generally picnic tables will remain due to the large number and inability to store them.

Question 3.

Parking locations along the waterfront?

Answer 3.

All of the existing four parking lots around Snye Point Outdoor Event Space (Borealis, Hardin St, Snye Point, Father Merc) will remain and overall parking counts will be slightly increased, as well as additional parallel parking provided along Morimoto Drive. The two parking lots by Horse Pasture Park will be reconfigured as part of the flood protection work. The parking lot by Marine Park will be reviewed as part of the flood protection work.

Question 4.

What will happen to the dirt berms along the Clearwater?

Answer 4.

The existing berms along Clearwater Drive are temporary and will be removed as part of the permanent flood mitigation project which will begin shortly. This engineering work will be coordinated with the Waterfront Park design team

Question 5.

What is the cost for the overall project?

Answer 5.

The Waterfront Revitalization has a capital budget of $30 million which includes the Snye Point Outdoor Event Space and the Waterfront Park.

Question 6.

Why would Morimotto Drive move for the Snye Point Outdoor Event Space?

Answer 6.

The Snye Point Outdoor Event Space final design is being developed. The proposal of moving Morimotto Drive was to support pedestrian safety and improved connections to the water. Throughout public engagement this past March a physical connection to the water was an important aspect to residents.