
Phase 2 Engagement

1 March 2023

Fall 2022

Have you seen the signs?

Proposed wayfinding prototypes have been designed in various sign types and are seeking community feedback. These include street banners, entrance, pedestrian, vehicular, park identification, historical and trail signage. The signs incorporated public feedback from this past summer that create community focused signs that reflect the unique culture, diversity, and people of Wood Buffalo.

Wayfinding is a series of visual cues to help residents and visitors understand where they are, and where they are going.

How to Participate

Everyone is encouraged to participate through a range of engagement opportunities:

Search for prototypes

A variety of proposed sign types have been installed for public viewing throughout downtown Fort McMurray, can you find them all? The prototypes provide a visual representation on size, color, font, and icons. Are they easy to spot? Are they legible? To find all the locations visit the mapping tool.

Sign prototypes are proposed designs and may adapt after public feedback.

Project Background

The wayfinding strategy will support guiding principles that will help build future wayfinding for the entire region, and a detailed plan for sign placement and design for Fort McMurray downtown and waterfront area. Engagement feedback obtained from Phase 1 is included in the What We Heard Report.