Engagement encourages participation, action, personal responsibility and democracy. The RMWB belongs to everyone who lives here. We all have a right to have a say in Municipal efforts that affect our quality-of-life. It also ensures a wide spectrum of opinions and perspectives are available for decision makers, and communicates how public feedback is collected and used. Council and Administration believe that active, engaged citizens make for a more vibrant and welcoming region, while also leading to better decisions.

The Participate Wood Buffalo platform is used to help present and guide public consultations in a consistent way. It offers many options for input in one convenient place online. Sign-up now to keep in touch with the RMWB efforts that interest you. This online platform is meant to complement the Municipality’s in-person consultations– open houses, pop-ups, coffee chats, focus groups, workshops, etc.

All the Municipality’s consultations are now guided by the Public Engagement Policy and Framework. Developing the RMWB’s public engagement framework processes and tools helps deliver on the Strategic Plan. Explore the guiding documents below to see how the RMWB approaches public engagements.

Policy & Framework

Public Engagement Policy

The Municipality is committed to having purposeful dialogue with the people affected by the decisions we make. We do this by fostering public understanding of emerging opportunities, issues and decisions, while creating a trusting and transparent environment for public dialogue.

The Municipal Public Engagement Policy aligns with the Municipality’s goal of building a responsible government by enhancing public engagement in all areas of Municipal activities. From services to construction projects, there are as many reasons to engage as there are people in the region.

View the Public Engagement Policy here.

Public Engagement Framework

The RMWB Public Engagement Framework outlines the Municipality’s commitment to fostering a trusting and transparent environment for public dialogue to occur between residents and the Municipality. It identifies guiding principles, sets out roles and responsibilities, details why and how we engage, and states our commitment to sharing the results of engagement with the public.

Guided by the Public Engagement Framework and in alignment with the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum of Engagement, we develop a campaign specific to each project and employ a variety of techniques and approaches to be as inclusive as possible. This can include in-person, online or virtual opportunities to share opinions and feedback on a variety of subject matters.

Developed in consultation with the public, the RMWB’s Public Engagement Framework guides when and how the Municipality engages you in its efforts. It outlines:

  • Key principles of public engagement: inclusivity; early involvement and timely communication; respect; transparency and accountability; a clear and coordinated approach; and continuous improvement.
  • How residents, council and administration each play a role and work together to bring forth and hone ideas and decisions.
  • Guidelines for participation to ensure a safe space for voicing opinions and ideas as in the RMWB’s commitment to engage the public.

View the Public Engagement Framework here.