Thank you for participating! Public engagement on the Draper ASP and LUB has closed. Review the summary of feedback received in the What We Heard Report.

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Community Updates

Why are we talking about the Draper ASP and the LUB?

The proposed Draper Area Structure Plan (ASP) and the draft Land Use Bylaw (LUB) will be presented at a Council meeting this fall/winter and we are looking for your feedback as Draper residents!

In Alberta, a series of guiding documents set the framework for planning future growth and economic development in municipalities. Each municipality is required to adopt the following:

Share your feedback - Survey closes Oct. 20, 2024

Virtual open house

Thank you for attending the Draper open house on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024!

Did you miss it? Take a look at the virtual open house below to catch up on the information shared. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback in the survey!

Enter to win!

Start and work through the survey. Once complete, you can enter to win one of two $250 gift cards to the Real Canadian Superstore. (View full contest details)

Short on time?

Review the proposed changes to the Draft Draper ASP and the proposed land uses. These principles and objectives are updated to reflect feedback from previous public engagement activities in the Draper community.

Objective 1.1: Protect the Clearwater River and its tributaries

1.1.1 A 30m development setback will be required as a minimum from the top of bank of the Clearwater River.

1.1.2 All development shall be setback a min of 15m from the top of bank of creeks.

Objective 1.2: Respect the integrity of the natural environment

In areas designated as Open Space and Environmental Protection:

1.2.3 Only development that has low impact on the natural environment will be considered. Such development may include walking trails, parks, viewing platforms, nature interpretive signage and/or installations, and trailhead installations such as staging areas.

Corresponding Uses from the Proposed Land Use Bylaw

  • Park (Environmental Preservation District and Urban Expansion District)
  • Park, natural (Environmental Preservation District)
  • Public utility (Environmental Preservation District and Urban Expansion District)

Objective 2.1: Guide appropriate development in Draper

2.1.3 Development in areas at risk of flooding should make provisions for appropriate flood mitigation measures. (This applies to the entire plan area)

2.1.9 All new development will be required to be compatible with the rural character of the Draper ASP area and have minimal impact on the environment.

(a) Development may be considered incompatible for reasons such as those listed below unless appropriate mitigation measures are adopted, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority:

      • Continuous and excessive noise;
      • Emission of fumes and odor;
      • Emission of air and water pollution or other contaminants;
      • Creation of dust;
      • Light pollution; and inappropriate volume or type of traffic.

Objective 2.2: Maintain the existing development pattern

2.2.1: Industrial uses are not permitted. Only residential uses.

In areas designated as Country Residential:

2.2.2: The primary use of land shall be in the form of a single dwelling unit on a large acreage lot.

2.2.3: A minimum lot size of one (1) hectare shall be required for all new subdivision applications.

2.2.4: Other compatible uses with low impact on residential development may be considered.

Corresponding Uses in the Proposed Land Use Bylaw

  • Mobile home (Country Residential District)
  • Single detached dwelling (Country Residential District)
  • Secondary suite (Country Residential District)
  • Accessory building (Country Residential District)
  • Home business, major (Country Residential District)
  • Home business, minor (Country Residential District)
  • Bed and breakfast (Country Residential District)
  • Agriculture, personal use (Country Residential District)
  • Garage sale (Country Residential District)
  • Park (Country Residential District)

In areas designated as Small Holdings:

2.2.5: The primary use of the land shall be in the form of large acreage lots and agricultural pursuits.

2.2.6: All lots in new subdivision applications will be required to be a minimum of one (1) hectare in size.

2.2.7: Small-scale agriculture may be considered on lots equal to or greater than four (4) hectares.

2.2.8: Agricultural pursuits for personal use will be allowed on lots less than four (4) hectares.

2.2.9: Other compatible uses with low impact on residential development may be considered.

Corresponding Uses in the Proposed Land Use Bylaw

  • Mobile home (Small Holdings District)
  • Single detached dwelling (Small Holdings District)
  • Secondary Suite (Small Holdings District)
  • Accessory building (Small Holdings District)
  • Home business, major (Small Holdings District)
  • Home business, minor (Small Holdings District)
  • Bed and breakfast (Small Holdings District)
  • Agriculture, personal use (Small Holdings District)
  • Agriculture, off-site sales (Small Holdings District)
  • Park (Small Holdings District)
  • Park, natural (Small Holdings District)
  • Garage sale (Small Holdings District)
  • Public utility (Small Holdings District)
  • Religious Assembly (Lot 6, Plan 9920950) (Small Holdings District)

Objective 3.1: Ensure community safety

3.1.3: New measures that support firefighting such as access to water supply along the Clearwater River will be investigated.

Corresponding Uses in the Proposed Land Use Bylaw

  • Essential public service (Urban Expansion District)

Objective 4.1: Support active and healthy lifestyles

Objective 4.2: Provide access to the Clearwater River

4.2.1: Public access points to the Clearwater River may be investigated through working with residents.

Corresponding Uses in the Proposed Land Use Bylaw

  • Recreation facility, outdoor (Urban Expansion District)
  • Park (Environmental Preservation District and Urban Expansion District)
  • Park, natural (Environmental Preservation District)

Objective 5.2: Provide infrastructure that meets municipal standards for rural areas

5.2.1: Continue to assess and investigate an appropriate servicing strategy as a part of the initiative to increase the level of service delivery for water distribution, wastewater and stormwater collection system in rural communities.

5.2.3: Work with franchise utilities to provide necessary services and related infrastructure.

Corresponding Uses in the Proposed Land Use Bylaw

  • Public utility (Environmental Preservation District and Urban Expansion District)


Closed but not forgotten Draper projects to reference.